タピオカカフェ むすひ|修善寺温泉|テイクアウト可

Inside a historic wooden building over 100 years old, we offer unique original tapioca drinks and local ice cream made with healthy ingredients. Additionally, there is a gallery shop featuring works by artists active in the Izu Peninsula, where you can find one-of-a-kind items available only here!
【Banjo Falls】 Camping area|Experience|Event

【Numazu Imperial Villa Memorial Park】

【Komuroyama Park】 Seasonal Events

【Izu Peninsula / 伊豆半島】- Mount Komuro is a 321m high mountain located in Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It has excellent views, and the area around the summit and the foot of the mountain is called Mount Komuro Park.
Basic 温泉テンプレート(アイキャッチ画像・タグ記入・下記カスタムフィールド・記事内観光queryエリア変更・SNS変更不要消去)
修善寺温泉の中心に佇むテーブル席とカウンターのあるお蕎麦やさん。連日行列のできる味よし、サービスよしの地元から […]
【Dairy Farming Kingdom Oratche】Family-friendly

A dairy farming facility located in the Tanna Basin in Kannami Town where you can experience dairy farming. You can experience milking, making butter and ice cream, etc.


【Izu Peninsula / 伊豆半島】- Osezaki, located in Numazu is a peninsula that juts out about 1km into Suruga Bay, and is also known as Biwa Island. It is a popular diving spot, but it also has many other attractions, such as shrines, ponds, and natural monuments. On a clear day, you can even enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji.
【Mishima Skywalk】 Japan's longest pedestrian suspension bridge|Mt. Fuji View | Outdoor Activities

Located in Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, this is Japan's longest pedestrian suspension bridge. In addition to the bridge itself, the site features restaurants, shops, cafés, and attractions set amidst the forest, making it a popular tourist destination.
【Shuzenji Temple】Shuzenji Onsen

Shuzenji Temple is located in the center of the birthplace of Shuzenji Onsen. It is known for having been founded by Kobo Daishi during the Heian period.