






Susanoo Shrine Hina Dolls【February 15th ~ March 9th】|Izu-Inatori

At Susanoo Shrine (素戔嗚神社), located in the Izu Inatori district of Higashi-Izu Town, Shizuoka Prefecture, a vibrant Hina Doll Staircase Display event is held every year to celebrate the arrival of spring. This festival, featuring stunning hina doll decorations deeply rooted in local tradition, has become a cherished springtime spectacle that captivates visitors and represents the town’s seasonal charm.

【February 1st to March 10th】South Sakura and Rape Blossoms Festival |South Izu

伊豆半島最南端の南伊豆町では、2月1日から3月10日まで、春の訪れを告げる 「第27回 みなみの桜と菜の花まつり」 が開催されます。町の中心を流れる 青野川沿い には、約800本の 河津桜 が咲き誇り、約3万平方メートルに広がる 菜の花畑 との美しいコントラストが楽しめます。河津桜は濃いピンク色が特徴で、ひと足早く春の景色を満喫できるスポットとして人気です。

【April 21st】Spring Kobo Daishi Memorial Ceremony Yukumishiki |Shuzenji Onsen

湯汲み式 伊豆市修善寺温泉

Every year on April 21, the "Yukumishiki" (Hot Water Drawing Ceremony) is solemnly held in Shuzenji Onsen. This traditional event is dedicated to expressing gratitude to Kobo Daishi, who discovered "Tokko-no-Yu", the birthplace of Shuzenji Onsen, approximately 1,200 years ago. It is an annual spring ceremony that honors the blessings of the hot springs and shares their significance with the community.

Takumi no Akari Michi (Path of Artisan Lights)」~March 31st (Mon)

修善寺温泉 匠の灯り径

At Genji Park, located in Shuzenji Onsen in Izu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, a limited-time event called "Takumi no Akari Michi" (Path of Artisan Lights) is being held from Sunday, December 1, to Monday, March 31. The highlight is the collaboration between Shuzenji’s traditional crafts, Shuzenji Washi (Japanese paper) and Shuzenji Straw Craft, along with the enchanting Bamboo Lanterns.

Toi Sakura|West Izu・Izu city

